Week of November 5

Cross+Training/ACTS Registration

Youth Ministry Events
Check out all the awesome things we have planned this Fall and Winter for our Youth Ministry!

For a FULL calendar:

Save the Dates:

From Pastor Kevin:

Cross+Training (Middle School) and ACTS (High School) meet each Sunday during 9:30 AM service

THIS SUNDAY (Nov 5): All Saints’ Sunday. People of all ages (including BLAST, Cross+Training, and ACTS will begin in the 9:30 service for a time of candle-lighting and remembrance for loved ones who have recently passed away

  • Cross+Training will pack Thanksgiving meals for All Peoples’

  • ACTS will have a gathering and lesson

  • Sunday’s fellowship is sponsored by our Thanksgiving Food Drive—grab a treat on Sunday, talk with a (new) friend, and help out serving and/or cleaning up fellowship. No prep needed—just show up

  • Next Sunday (Nov 12): First Communion Sunday

    • While we have historically done this with students in fifth grade, we have a few middle-schoolers receiving their first communion this year:

      • If you haven’t yet received your first communion and would like to do so, please reach out to me

      • We will have our middle schoolers in worship this Sunday (11/12) to support their fellow middle schoolers as they receive their first communion

  • Next Sunday (Nov 12): Youth Group from 6-7:30 PM. Join us for Sunday nights of fun and faith formation and community. Dinner is provided. This is for grades 6-12. Parents are welcome to stick around to watch or get involved, too!

  • Two weekends from now (Nov. 18, 19): Atonement Youth Ministry’s Annual Pie Baking & Sale (get these dates on your calendar)

    • We will bake pies on Saturday, Nov. 18 beginning at 9 AM

    • We will sell pies on Sunday, Nov. 19 between the services.

  • November 22: Serve at Feeding America Food Bank. Serve the day before Thanksgiving at a local food pantry. Based on feedback that we received, the afternoon time slot was preferred so we are awaiting confirmation from Feeding America that this works. I will pass along more info once I know more.

  • December 2: Admirals Game. Admirals are not giving us a great group rate (it is cheaper to purchase tickets through their BOGO promotion than through their group rate). More info soon on the mechanics of reserving a ticket. For now, save the date and get your name on the list so we know about how many tickets we need: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mlMQFN6fkgfYZiSSgdwfoP-fx4pz92WA636LL4lKOus/edit?usp=sharing

  • February 8-11: Fort Wilderness. Save the date! Registration coming soon!

  • ELCA Youth Gathering (July 14-21) is next summer. If you’re currently in grades 8-12 and haven’t yet signed up, please do so here or reach out to me if you want to know more.

ELCA Youth Gathering

Our Youth Ministry’s Summer high school trip is going to the our denomination’s nationwide youth gathering in New Orleans.

This is an amazing, life-changing week of worship, service, and community!

Fill out the Youth Gathering sign-up form below:


Week of November 12


Week of October 29