Atonement Events
Looking for Atonement’s church calendar? Click here!

Lucky Lent Raffle
Test your luck for a great cause, with a chance to win cash prizes at each of the 16 Raffle drawings!
Raffle Proceeds go to supporting Youth Ministry trips and activities.
Raffle Sales
Raffle tickets are $20 each. Raffle tickets will be on sale every Sunday between services on February 16, 23 and March 2.
Raffle Details
By purchasing this ticket, your name will be submitted to the 2025 Lucky Lent Raffles.
Starting on Tuesday March 4, and ending on Sunday April 20, we will be drawing for a cash prize (listed below).
Drawings will take place at Atonement Lutheran Church (S70W16244 Martin Dr. Muskego, WI 53150) by 12 p.m. on Sundays and 6 p.m. on other days. You do not need to be present to win.
After each drawing, the winner’s name will be posted here! Checks will be mailed to the raffle winners.
Your raffle ticket/name will remain in the drawing through the duration of the Lucky Lent Raffles, even if you win one (so you could win multiple times).
We reserve the right to refund all money if at least 50 calendars are not sold by Friday February 13.
Wisconsin License #R0037523B-69316
Questions? Contact Kara:
Drawing Dates & Cash Prizes
Tuesday, March 4 (Fat Tuesday): $80
Wednesday, March 5 (Ash Wednesday): $40
Sunday, March 9: $40
Wednesday, March 12: $40
Sunday, March 16: $40
Wednesday, March 19: $40
Sunday, March 23: $40
Wednesday, March 26: $40
Sunday, March 30: $40
Wednesday, April 2: $40
Sunday, April 6: $40
Wednesday, April 9: $40
Sunday, April 13 (Palm Sunday): $40
Thursday, April 17 (Maundy Thursday): $40
Friday, April 18 (Good Friday): $40
Sunday, April 20 (Easter): $80
Congratulations, Raffle Winners!
Tuesday, March 4 (Fat Tuesday): $80-Marty Petersen
Wednesday, March 5 (Ash Wednesday): $40-Allison Oster
Sunday, March 9: $40-Jeanne Kolkoski
Wednesday, March 12: $40-Pat Korth
Sunday, March 16: $40-Carrie Storm
Wednesday, March 19: $40
Sunday, March 23: $40
Wednesday, March 26: $40
Sunday, March 30: $40
Wednesday, April 2: $40
Sunday, April 6: $40
Wednesday, April 9: $40
Sunday, April 13 (Palm Sunday): $40
Thursday, April 17 (Maundy Thursday): $40
Friday, April 18 (Good Friday): $40
Sunday, April 20 (Easter): $80

Lent 2025
Wednesday Worship & Meals:
Wednesdays, March 5, 12, 19, 26 & April 2, 9
Come for worship designed around music from the Taizé community and similar songs, with a casual dinner hosted by different Atonement groups and small group offerings between worship services. There will also be VBS style fun for kids to participate in while adults are in small groups. (See below for links to Small Group offerings.)
4:30pm – Tiazé style Lenten worship, in-person only
5:00pm – Open house dinner, hosted by a different Atonement group each week
5:45-5:55pm – Transition time: Kids to VBS style fun!
5:55pm – Each Small Group begins
6:45pm – Small Groups end
6:45-7:00pm – Transition time: Kids rejoin parents for worship
7:00pm – Tiazé style Lenten worship, in-person & online
Wednesday Dinner Hosting Schedule
March 5 - Ash Wednesday: CIS Committee
- Chili
March 12: Choir/Bell Choir
- Tacos
March 19: Lydia Circle
- Soups
March 26: Rebekah/Leah Circles
- Pulled Pork Sandwiches
April 2: Hannah, Ruth & Mary/Martha
- Sloppy Joes
April 9: OPEN

Lenten Meal Sign Up
At Atonement, we have a long-standing tradition of gathering for a meal during Lent. Every Wednesday, different groups take turns hosting a dinner where they serve soups, casseroles, breakfast, spaghetti, and more. This tradition is special because it brings everyone together for fellowship before or after the service. We invite you to join us by signing up to host a meal. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to the office. We look forward to sharing these wonderful moments with you!
Meals will be held from 5:00pm-6:30pm

Parenting with Faith, Spirituality & Wellness
Parenting with Faith, Spirituality & Wellness
For parents, grandparents & caregivers
Join us Wednesdays in Lent, beginning March 12th. These small groups are open to parents, grandparents, guardians, anyone with a child in their life.
While adults in small groups, kids are invited to partake in VBS style fun!
Wednesday Schedule:
4:30pm - Tiazé Style Worship
5:00pm - Dinner Begins
5:45-5:55pm - Transition Time: Kids to VBS Style Fun!
5:55pm - Small Groups Begin
6:45pm - Small Groups End
6:45-7:00pm - Transition Time: Kids rejoin parents for worship
7:00pm - Tiazé Style Worship
Open to non-members. Attend one week, all weeks, or when you can. Registration only required for those with kids attending VBS Style Fun. Click below to register your child(ren).

Living Well Through Lent
Living Well Through Lent:
Cultivating the Fruit of the Spirit in Heart, Soul, Strength, and Mind
For existing & new small groups
Join us Wednesdays in Lent, beginning March 12th. We will be using Living Compass’ Living Well Through Lent 2025 devotional. For more information about the material we will be using, and to sign up for daily, Lenten devotionals sent to your email, visit
What to do with your kid(s) while you attend? We will have VBS style fun for all kids while small groups are taking place. Click below to sign up!
Wednesday Schedule:
4:30pm - Tiazé Style Worship
5:00pm - Dinner Begins
5:45-5:55pm - Transition Time: Kids to VBS Style Fun!
5:55pm - Small Groups Begin
6:45pm - Small Groups End
6:45-7:00pm - Transition Time: Kids rejoin parents for worship
7:00pm - Tiazé Style Worship
Attend one week, all weeks, or when you can. Registration only required for those with kids attending VBS Style Fun. Click below to register your child(ren).

MET Listening Sessions
MET Listening Sessions
Please join the Mission Exploration Team during one of the following congregation listening sessions to provide your thoughts and opinions. We’ll explore who we are as a church and the characteristics most important for our next Associate Pastor.
Congregational Listening Session Opportunities:
Thursday, April 3rd: 6:30-8:00pm
Sunday, April 6th: 9:00-10:30am
Sunday, April 6th: 10:30am-12:00pm
Please indicate which session each adult plans to attend. (Separate youth sessions will be scheduled shortly.) Child care will be available. Please indicate the number of children and their ages if care is needed.
We appreciate your registration in advance to help us prepare resources, however walk-ins will be accepted. If you have questions, please contact Carol Mohr at 414-248-3876 or any member of the MET.

The Crucifixion
John Stainer’s “The Crucifixion”
A Meditation on the Sacred Passion of the Holy Redeemer
Stainer’s “The Crucifixion” is an oratorio for a choir and organ. The piece combines recitatives, solos, and masterful choruses that range from the graphic mob shouts of “Crucify Him” to the ethereally beautiful meditation at the work’s center piece, “God So Loved the World.” It is amongst the most popular of all English choral works and vividly portrays the events of the Passion of Christ.

Fat Tuesday Pancake Dinner
Our Youth Ministry will be making a pancake dinner to celebrate Fat Tuesday! This will also be the final day to buy Lucky Lent Raffle tickets, and the first day of drawings for cash prizes. Learn more here!

Mission of Healing 2025
Mission of Healing trip to El Salvador: February 15-22, 2025
Application/Deposit Deadline: November 16, 2024
Travel on Saturday, visit sister churches on Sunday, help the Salvadoran Lutheran Church with their traveling health fair, setting up at a different spot each day Monday-Thursday, play on Friday, travel home on Saturday.
The offerings at the health fair always vary based on what our group can offer, but usually a combination of basic wellness checks, health education on topics like nutrition, reproductive health, mental health, oral health, and activities for kids. The Salvadorans have asked if we can do extra emphasis on mental health this year.
Skills needed: anyone can apply, but there are the skills/backgrounds we could most use this year:
Behavioral/mental health training
Medical providers (advanced practice professionals, PAs, physicians)
Yoga/relaxation/expressive arts
We also always need 3-4 “willing to do anything” worker bee types.
No Spanish needed (though its always a plus).
Application available BELOW, or speak with Cindy Dostal and/or Pastor Kevin
Cost: Cost of your plane ticket (usually around $800) plus $500 for hotel, food, transportation, covid tests- all your in-country expenses. Atonement has typically offered $400 in support of the in-country expenses for our members.
To Apply: Download the form below, and email form to Nicole Krause,
Direct Questions to Cindy Dostal (319)-240-2248 or

Little Steps Together Winter Session
Join Atonement’s Children’s Ministry in Little Steps Together!
A 4-week class on Tuesdays, beginning February 11th from 6:00-7:15pm
Little Steps Together is a set of classes giving grown-ups and their children ages 2-4 time to partner with a qualified educator in nurturing and training the child’s social, emotional, and spiritual growth.
The classes encourage the development of positive values, self concept, social skills, and attitude toward learning in a loving, safe, small group environment. Each class includes theme-based learning experiences through circle time, singing, playing, crafts/projects, and sharing a snack.

2nd Grade Bibles
When a child is baptized, parents make a promise that they will put a Bible in their child's hands and study the Bible with them. This workshop is to help families begin their child's journey into scripture and faith through God's word.
Bible Workshop
Tuesday, January 28th, 6:00pm-7:30pm
Sunday, February 2nd, during the 9:30am service

Realm Profile Activation
Sunday, January 19th & 26th
Are you using Realm as an online directory? Is your committee, team, or small group staying organized through Realm? We’re here to help!
On January 19th and 26th, we will be hosting opportunities for you to activate your Realm profile if you haven’t already, show you how to upload a profile picture or update information like your phone number or address, and share some ideas for using realm to stay in touch with others at Atonement.
If you are a member or consistently worship with us, you already have a profile. We will help you start to use it!
Look for more detailed information coming soon in our Sunday announcements!

Realm Profile Activation
Sunday, January 19th & 26th
Are you using Realm as an online directory? Is your committee, team, or small group staying organized through Realm? We’re here to help!
On January 19th and 26th, we will be hosting opportunities for you to activate your Realm profile if you haven’t already, show you how to upload a profile picture or update information like your phone number or address, and share some ideas for using realm to stay in touch with others at Atonement.
If you are a member or consistently worship with us, you already have a profile. We will help you start to use it!
Look for more detailed information coming soon in our Sunday announcements!

First Communion 2024-25
First Communion is an important part of Atonement’s Stepping Stone ministry, and is focused on fifth grade and older students. The workshop will be an opportunity for students and their families to learn about the meaning and importance of Communion in an engaging way, with a presentation of their First Communion to follow.
Workshop: Tuesday, January 14, from 6:30-8:15 p.m.
Presentation: Sunday, January 19, during the 9:30 a.m. worship service.
Workshop: Tuesday Jan. 14, 6:30-8:15 p.m.
We welcome any participants to join our Stepping Stone workshops; a parent/guardian and child experience for preparation to receive First Communion.
First Communion Workshop includes:
- Making a personalized chalice heirloom for First Communicants
- Race to the Cup Challenge
- Instructions on how to receive Communion
- Scavenger Hunt
Families should bring to the workshop:
- A sturdy, long stemmed, clear wine glass with a smooth non-faceted surface to be used to create a personalized Communion chalice
- A Bible

Parenting Faith Forum
Parenting with Faith Forum
Sunday, January 12, 2025
Fellowship Hall - Lunch Provided
Facilitated by Carolyn Karl, a parent and former attorney who for over 20 years has also worked with youth and families…with a recent focus on intergenerational connections. Carolyn serves as Director of Programing of the Wellness Compass and facilitates Teen, Adult, and Parent Spiritual & Wellness Circles.
Do you struggle keeping your New Year’s resolution beyond 2 weeks, 1 month or beyond February? You know you want to be a better parent, partner, friend… but life’s business, daily responsibilities, stresses and emotional ups and downs make you feel over-whelmed, isolated and even alone.
Come to this event to learn how to sustain your “be a better person” New Year’s resolution for a life time…while developing toward wholeness. Carolyn will explore ways for us to share our frustrations, joys and concerns with other parents who understand; and to challenge us to be more intentional parents & care providers who will ultimately be more resilient, stronger, happier, healthier and more confident about life’s next steps.
NOTE: This event is open to all parents, grandparents, care-givers of children and all who are interested.
For more information, contact:
Anne Farebrother -
Deacon Doug - 414-531-7014 or
Kara Mendez - 414-422-0400 or

FORT 2025
We leave for Fort on Thursday, January 9 at about 4 p.m. (More information will be sent to registrants). We will be leaving Fort no later than noon on Sunday, January 12 and will be getting back in the late afternoon.
Parents, please register yourself as the registering parent and then the youth as a youth participant. Friends are welcome to attend!
Tell me more about Fort Wilderness! (Cross Trainers)
We have been going to FW for SEVERAL years. It is a Christian camp in Rhinelander. The Winter Retreat offers sledding (down a HUGE hill), ice-skating, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, broom ball (think hockey with just your boots on and instead of hockey sticks they are brooms!), the chair of death (which is actually a lot of fun, they made me go in it a few years ago), AWESOME food, lots and lots of fun!!
We will do a devotion in the mornings and at night and the rest of the time campers are allowed to explore the grounds. (There’s also a coffee shop and canteen to purchase treats.) The rest of the “fun” things are included when you sign up.
Tell me more about Fort Wilderness! (ACTS)
Students in ACTS go to Fort to serve and have some fun doing it! There are many jobs that need to be filled during the weekend. You may get the opportunity to:
Serve in the Canteen/Gift Shop-making popcorn, making shakes, working the register, etc.
Serve at CampGrounds-the on-site coffee shop
Serve in Accommodations-Wiping tables after meals, vacuuming, moping floors, etc.
Stable Volunteer-Tending to horses, cleaning stalls, helping people go on horse rides
Broom Ball Volunteer-Helping to make sure everyone has a helmet and is playing fair
Equipment Handout-Handing out ice skates, cross country skis and boots, etc to campers
Kitchen Crew-Washing Dishes
Kitchen Prep-Prepping food for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
You may also visit the FW website!
Students can also bring friends!
Please let me know if you have any other questions!
Please sign-up below if you are interested!

Christmas Advent Crafts
Extended Fellowship with treats and crafts, following the Kids BLAST Christmas Program.
Fun for ALL! This is for EVERYONE in the congregation!

Christmas Program: Go Tell it on the Mountain
Go Tell it on the Mountain
Join us following the Christmas program for extended fellowship and crafts after the program.

Christmas 2024 at Atonement
Children’s Christmas Program & Advent Festival
Sunday, December 15th, 9:30am
Regular 8:00am worship.
Advent Festival of crafts and fellowship begins right after the Christmas Program.
No 10:45am worship.
Festival of Music
Sunday, December 22nd, 8:00am & 9:30am
Hear Christmas music from our “Senior Choir,” Choir, Bell Choir, and more!
No 10:45am worship.
Christmas Eve Worship
Tuesday, December 24th
11am Traditional Worship
2pm Contemporary Worship
4pm Contemporary Worship
8pm Traditional Worship
Candle lighting at each service.
Sunday After Christmas
Sunday, December 29th, 9:30am
Only one service this Sunday—it will be filled with Christmas music and cheer.
Stay Connected!
Sign up to learn about everything going on at Atonement.

Decorate Atonement
On Saturday, December 7, join us in decorating Atonement for Christmas!
Come ready to help at 9:30am.

Women's Ministry Christmas Gathering
Women’s Ministry Christmas Gathering
Thursday, December 5th - 6:30pm
Appetizers and desserts hosted by Lydia and Ruth Circles
Fellowship, laughter, games, singing
White Elephant Gift exchange | Wear an ugly Christmas sweater (optional)

Thanksgiving Eve Worship & Fellowship
Worship with us at 6:30pm, followed by fellowship.

Open Door Cafe
Join us on:
November 27th from 10:00am-2:00pm at Open Door Cafe in Milwaukee. They are in need of 25 volunteers, the first 25 to sign up for this date will get the opportunity.
Volunteers can meet at church and carpool to the Cafe. Meet at church at 9:00am (leave by 9:15/9:20am.)
They are also in need for an extra date of:
Monday, November 25th 10:00am-2:00pm and/or Wednesday,
Volunteers can meet at Open Door Cafe.
They are in need of 10 volunteers, the first 10 to sign up for this date will get the opportunity.
Volunteers will be preparing food, serving and cleaning up.

Pie Baking & Sales
November 23rd: We invite youth to join us at 9 a.m. to prepare pies to sell on the following Sunday!
November 24th: Youth to help sell pies in between services. Purchase a pie and help raise money for Youth Trips and Coats for Kids for All Peoples Church.

Knit-Wit Silent Auction
Atonement’s Knit – Wits group will again be sponsoring their Silent Auction just in time for
holiday giving!
Beautiful handmade items including afghans, hats, mittens, scarves, prayer shawls and ornaments will be on display and ready for bidding Sunday, November 17th thru Sunday, December 8th in the church gathering area.
There will also be some “cash and carry” items available.
Fifty per cent of the proceeds will be donated to the Muskego Food Pantry and fifty per cent will be used by this ministry to buy yarn for future projects.
Come, shop and support us as we work to keep those in need warm and cozy! Any questions? Call Mary Mooney 414 425 3299.

Youth Ministry-Admirals Hockey Game
Join us on a trip to see the Milwaukee Admirals hockey game on Saturday, November 16th! We currently have Bye One Get One tickets, cost will be approximately $15.00.
We will carpool from Atonement!

AED Training
Atonement has a new AED!
An AED (Automated External Defibrillator) is a portable device that can give an electronic shock to a heart that has stopped working to restore a normal heart beat. The AED is in a white wall cabinet in the Narthex, in the same place as our previous AED. The most important thing is that it is EASY TO USE. In case of an emergency someone should call 911. Then remove the AED from the cabinet and follow the simple audible directions.
Sunday, November 10th, between services, Renee Stadtler and Mary Hoffmann will provide some hands-on education, as well as a short video. You can also use this link to watch the video.
Feel Free to contact Mary Hoffmann (414-916-1509) with questions or if you would like any additional education opportunities for your group.

Operation Christmas
Help make Christmas brighter for teens at the Joy House and Cross Trainers Academy Milwaukee Rescue Mission. Pick up a tag from the tree or basket, and thanks for bringing joy to teens in need!
Take a gift suggestion list (suggested price range $20):
For girls: Make up, jewelry, lotion, hair and nail accessories.
For boys: Wisconsin sports themed novelties, and hand-held games.
For any teen: $10-25 Walmart, Amazon, or Target gift cards, board games, card games, graphic novels, YA books, adult coloring books, extreme dot-to-dot or other puzzle books, small age- appropriate lego sets, and science/craft kits.
Put gift in a bag (no special wrapping needed) and attach the tag from the tree. Put gift cards in designated box. Please return to church by Sunday, December 9.

All Saints' Sunday
All Saints Sunday is November 3rd. We will remember loved ones who died during the year, October 2023-2024, and with whom we celebrate the resurrection.
Provide the above information by October 27th to Kara Mendez:

WELCA Board Meeting
Plan to attend this very important meeting about the future of WELCA and Women’s Ministry at Atonement.
A light breakfast will be served.

Little Steps Together Fall Session
Join Atonement’s Children’s Ministry in Little Steps Together! A 4-week class offered Mondays, October 28th-November 18th, from 6-7:15 p.m.
Little Steps Together is a set of classes giving grown-ups and their children ages 2-4 time to partner with a qualified educator in nurturing and training the child’s social, emotional, and spiritual growth.
The classes encourage the development of positive values, self concept, social skills, and attitude toward learning in a loving, safe, small group environment. Each class includes theme-based learning experiences through circle time, singing, playing, crafts/projects, and sharing a snack.

Fall Clean Up
Despite the warm weather, fall is on its way and winter won’t be far behind.
We need your assistance with fall clean-up at Atonement.
Saturday, October 26th at 9am
Please bring your typical tools of gloves, rakes, and garbage bucket to collect clippings.
If you have battery power hedge trimmer, blower, or weed whip,
they would be very helpful too.