Local Service
Service to others is the heart of Atonement, both locally and globally.

There are a variety of ways we serve our local community. Interested in seeing what opportunities are available right now?
All Peoples Church
We are glad to partner with All Peoples Church, located at 2nd and Clarke in Milwaukee. Twice yearly we have ‘giving trees’ to collect needed items. We participate in Wednesday Night Alive multiple times throughout the year, prepping and serving a meal and participating in worship. We also collect Blessing Bag school supplies, and collect new and gently used coats and other winter gear for folks in the APC community.
Food Pantry items are always needed. A grocery cart can be found in the Narthex to drop off food items such as peanut butter, canned fruit, canned meats, canned soups, oatmeal, jelly, canned veggies, canned chili, cereal, pasta sauce.
Check out All Peoples’ website – www.allpeoplesgathering.org
All People’s Church was featured in the October 2021 Milwaukee Journal Sentinel for the work on their community garden. Read it here!
Eagle’s Wing Free Clinic
The Old City Hall at the Muskego Historical Village, on Racine Avenue will be a free clinic open on Thursday evenings in fall of 2012. Volunteer opportunities include physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, medical assistants, nurses, clerical, clinic manager, social workers, lab assistants, greeters, fund raising specialist, and set up and take down teams. Call the church office if you are interested in connecting with the volunteer handling the clinic.
Habitat for Humanity
We support our local community by participating at least once a year in the Habitat for Humanity efforts along with contributions from our members. Look in the weekly announcement page in mid-spring to sign-up for build week.
Hope Center
Food and Clothing Drives – Incorporated in 1987, Hope Center is a non-profit ministry located in downtown Waukesha serving homeless and low income persons throughout Waukesha County. Over 100 Waukesha County churches currently serve as member congregations of Hope Center, providing financial and volunteer support for Hope Center programs. Hope Center focuses primarily on providing for the physical needs of the poor. Atonement helps sort clothes throughout the year. Contact Judy Larson for more information or to get involved.
Muskego Food Pantry
Established in 2008, the Muskego Food Pantry has been growing steadily since its opening. In 2010 the pantry served over 1800 families and logged over 5400 volunteer hours. With the current economic situation, an average of 5 to 8 new families sign up for assistance every week. Monetary and food donations as well as volunteers are always welcome and needed. For more information, please e-mail the pantry at muskegofoodpantry@hotmail.com, or call 262.679.6448.
Outreach for Hope, Inc.
Outreach for Hope gathers financial gifts to support ministries working in communities of poverty. These congregations and ministry centers through the ELCA, provide groceries, clothing, meals, medical care, summer neighborhood camps, after school tutoring, job counseling, neighborhood ministries.
Most important ministries supported give people a place to know they are valued and loved, a place where emotional and spiritual resources are made real in God’s love thru communities of faith, and a place that is a beacon of hope in the midst of their neighborhood. Visit www.outreachforhope.org for more information. Annually, Atonement has participated in Outreach for Hope Family Bike Ride held on the Saturday after Labor Day.
Operation Christmas
Look for the “Angel Tree” on the Christmas tree in the narthex during the month of November. Please choose a tag for a child in need. Gifts are being collected for the Salvation Army – Waukesha to help families. Items are purchased and placed under the Angel Tree. Donations will be delivered to the Salvation Army and distributed to families through the annual Christmas Gift Distribution Center. Gifts collected this year will serve over 400 needy families, and 986 children and teens. Last year, over 7,000 toys were collected for Christmas.