Week of October 29

Cross+Training/ACTS Registration

Youth Ministry Events
Check out all the awesome things we have planned this Fall and Winter for our Youth Ministry!

For a FULL calendar:

Save the Dates:

From Pastor Kevin:

Cross+Training (Middle School) and ACTS (High School) meet each Sunday during 9:30 AM service


o   Class goes from noon to 1:30 PM.
o   Unlike last year, students AND parent(s) both attend
o   The first two classes (10/1 and 10/15) are both for students who are starting a year of confirmation class AND for students being confirmed on October 29
o   We will have a potluck lunch. Sign up here for what you’ll bring

Serve at Second Harvest Foodbank on November 22 (day before Thanksgiving)

o   If interested, please fill out this interest form to help us gauge both interest and best time of day for event (afternoon or evening)

Milwaukee Admirals Game on Saturday, December 2 at 6 PM

o   If interested, please fill out this interest form to help us get a sense of numbers (this is not yet the official signup/commitment form)

On the more church-y side of things, here’s a few dates to hold:

October 29Confirmation Sunday. 
We will confirm a dozen students during the 9:30 AM service. Cross+Training and ACTS students will attend worship to participate in confirmation festivities.

November 12First Communion Sunday. A number of students in our church will receive first communion. While the class is usually for fifth graders, if you haven’t received your first communion and are interested in doing so, please let me know.

ELCA Youth Gathering

Our Youth Ministry’s Summer high school trip is going to the our denomination’s nationwide youth gathering in New Orleans.

This is an amazing, life-changing week of worship, service, and community!

Fill out the Youth Gathering sign-up form below:


Week of November 5


Week of October 22