Week of September 18

Sunday Mornings

September 18th will start our Fall Schedule and classes will be held at 9:30!

Confirmation and Parent Meeting Noon-1:15-Fellowship Hall

This year we will be using something online for our YFM curriculum. It is a blog called ELCA-Faith Lens. Each week you may want to check it out before class.

2022-2023 Cross+Training and ACTS Registration

As soon as you know your child's  2022-2023 college or military address please let us know!

We will be sending out Taste of Home care packages to start out their year and let them know their church family is thinking of them!

Please email Renee Hesselbach at andyhesselbach@hotmail.com

Save the Date

Fort Winter Retreat-February 9th-12th, 2023-Grades 6th-12th

6th-8th Grades-Campers
9th-12th Grades-Servers

Please sign-up below if you are interested!
As we get closer to the retreat date a Registration Form and Deposit will be needed.


Mission Trip to Lake Traverse, SD-June 25th-30th, 2023-Grades: Current 8th-12th


New Orleans-ELCA Youth Gathering-July 16th-20th, 2024-Grades: Current 8th-12th


Week of September 25


Week of September 11