Week of October 30
Sunday Mornings
Cross+Training and ACTS Classes at 9:30am!
Sunday, November 6th-9:30 am-SERVICE PROJECT
Instead of class, we will be doing a service project off-site. Please meet at church at 9:30am wearing work cloths and bring work gloves! Teachers will drive/carpool over to an Atonement member's house to work on her yard.
We will be back at church at NOON so parents can pick up students.
!!!!! SIGN UP TODAY !!!!!
Fort Winter Retreat
February 9th-12th, 2023
Grades 6th-12th
6th-8th Grades-Campers
9th-12th Grades-Servers
Please sign-up below if you are interested!
This year we will be using something online for our YFM curriculum. It is a blog called ELCA-Faith Lens. Each week you may want to check it out before class.
Students meet at Atonement-Fellowship Hall Saturday, November 19th at 9:00am.
We will prepare and bake apple pies and dry cookie ingredients.
(Most likely we will finish around noon/1:00.) Please come for the full-time or just stop in when you are able to help.
On Sunday, November 20th we will sell pies and mixes after church services. Proceeds will be used to purchase “Coats for Kids” for All Peoples Church.
If you have any questions please contact Kara | kara@atonementmuskego.org | 262-744-5602
November 27th-No Cross+Training & ACTS-Thanksgiving Break
Get ready for the Christmas Season! Have some fun and fellowship decorating for Christmas and enjoying a movie!
Save the Date
Mission Trip to Lake Traverse, SD-June 25th-30th, 2023-Grades: Current 8th-12th