Week of May 21

Cross+Training and ACTS Classes at 9:30am!
Last class is May 21st!

Service Project

Saturday, May 20, 8:30am-1:00pm

Join us for the whole time or drop in when you can.

First Stop 8:30am-10:30am-Carol Mitchell
S71W19852 Simandl Dr

10:30-11:00-We will then transport everyone to the next house.

Second Stop 11:00am-1:00pm-Janet Wojnowski
S76 W14799 Velva Drive

*Please wear work clothes and bring a pair of work gloves

Last Day of
Cross+Training & ACTS
May 21st

If you were unable to attend the informational meeting, but would still like to know more, please contact Kara Mendez kara@atonementmuskego.org

Save the Date

New Orleans-ELCA Youth Gathering-July 16th-20th, 2024-Grades: Current 8th-12th


Week of May 28


Week of May 14