Week of May 8
Sunday Mornings
Classes on Sunday Mornings at 9:15 a.m.
Cross+Training: 6th-8th grade
Meeting in the Fellowship Hall, room on the left.
ACTS (Active Christians Together Serving): 9th-12th grade
Meeting in the Fellowship Hall, room on the right.
Cookie Sales
Instead of pie baking this year, the youth will be doing some other baking.
Youth will be preparing and selling almost done cookies on Mother's Day!
May 8th-After worship services sell items!
Buy a few batches, add some ingredients or just cut and bake,
Mom will think that you slaved in the kitchen all day!
Cookies-Dry Mix-Add Wet Ingredients-$10.00 each
Chocolate Chip Cookies
Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies
Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies
Cookies-Slice and Bake-$5.00
Ginger Snap Cookies
Kitchen Sink Cookies
Truffles-$12.00 per box
Variety in each box
Oh Henry Bars-$1.00 each
Still accepting participants to St. Louis contact Kara kara@atonementmuskego.org
Wall of Envelopes
Help support the Youth St. Louis mission trip this Summer!
Wall of Envelopes
Pick an envelope from the wall numbered 1-100 that reflects the amount you would like to donate.
Place cash/check in envelope and place in the offering basket OR black box on wall next to Prayer Desk
OR donate on the website (note-purpose of gift as “Youth Envelope.”)
Youth/Confirmation Nights
May 15, 2022 (note date change to May 15 from May 8)-STUDENTS
ALL youth invited.
We will begin as a large group and then breakout into small groups of Confirmation Students (8th & 9th) and the rest of the students (10th through 12th grades.)
These will be FUN evenings of food, fellowship, devotion, and games!
***Dates subject to change and additional dates may be added.
***Watch for weekly emails for any changes or updates.
Fort Wilderness FUN!
What a FANTASTIC experience of growing in relationship with God, friends and the outdoors!
Want to see more pictures head on over to our facebook page!
ELCA is jazzed to announce that we’re heading to New Orleans for the 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering!
The Big Easy is filled with rich history, friendly locals, amazing food and great music, and we just can’t wait to go back.
Mark your calendars for July 16-20, 2024, to join us for this transformational faith formation event.