Week of March 24
A Quick Youth Update from Pr. Gene
With Pr. Kevin’s recent departure, I will be overseeing our youth ministries for at least a while. I have already met with Carrie Storm and Mike Gandrud about Cross+Training and A.C.T.S. I will be reaching out soon to confirmation families about our schedule moving forward. I will also be reaching out soon to the Children, Youth, and Family Committee as well as our Youth Position Search Committee. I look forward to catching up on what has been happening, and working with all of you to keep ministry happening and start making plans to expand our youth ministries! If you have any questions please feel free to contact me (call/text 414-422-0401, email gene@atonementmuskego.org) or Kara Mendez (kara@atonementmuskego.org).
God’s Peace,
Pastor Gene
Youth please consider signing up to help out with Easter Brunch!
Our youth and leaders are getting so excited to attend the ELCA Youth Gathering in New Orleans this July! We now know our hotel is on Bourbon Street - how fun - and that we'll have a little extra time to see some of the amazing things this city has to offer. We appreciate all of your prayers and support as we get ready to go. Stay tuned for more details as we get closer to going!
We will be doing a service trip to Minneapolis this summer. We’ll be leaving Sunday, July 21st, and after a short van ride, will be attending a Brewers game in Minneapolis. After the game, we’ll arrive at our ‘home’ for the next few days in the Twin Cities. After days of service through Youthworks Monday and Tuesday, we’ll head back to Muskego on Wednesday the 24th.
Please be sure to check Atonement's website to see if you are a Winner!
If you are a winner you will be notified by email and a check will be sent to you in the mail!
NEW Church Management Program-REALM
You should have received an email invitation to join our new church directory and management program, Realm. This email is coming through Realm. If you can’t find your email invitation, you can also sign up here. Realm is going to be our one-stop shop for Atonement info--join today and get the Realm app, too (Click here for iOS and click here for Android)