Week of February 25
NEW Church Management Program-REALM
You should have received an email invitation to join our new church directory and management program, Realm. This email is coming through Realm. If you can’t find your email invitation, you can also sign up here. Realm is going to be our one-stop shop for Atonement info--join today and get the Realm app, too (Click here for iOS and click here for Android)
Thank you for supporting the Youth.
Please help sell more raffle tickets between services.
You may still purchase raffle tickets!
(You will have less chances to win, but still more chances to win than if you don't buy one at all!)
Please be sure to check Atonement's website to see if you are a Winner!
If you are a winner you will be notified by email and a check will be sent to you in the mail!
ELCA Youth Gathering
Our Youth Ministry’s Summer high school trip is going to the our denomination’s nationwide youth gathering in New Orleans.
This is an amazing, life-changing week of worship, service, and community!
Fill out the Youth Gathering sign-up form below: