Week of February 16th


THIS Sunday, February 16th!

Youth will be hosting Fellowship! Please bring in a treat (1 dozen). It can be doughnuts, cookies, bars, fruit, cheese! Anything you'd like!

Please arrive at 8:30. Youth will set up fellowship and help to sell Lucky Lent Raffle Tickets.

See you on Sunday at 8:30 with a treat!

Lucky Lent Raffle is coming up! Be sure to sell tickets to all of your friends and family for 16 chances to win! Even if you are a winner, your name gets put back into the drawing! Tickets will be handed out in class for students to sell!

Our Youth Ministry will be making a pancake dinner to celebrate Fat Tuesday! This will also be the final day to buy Lucky Lent Raffle tickets, and the first day of drawings for cash prizes. Learn more here!

Fat Tuesday Pancake Dinner Preparation


Since everyone did such a FANTASTIC job making pancakes and sausage for the Epiphany pancake breakfast we thought you could do it again for Fat Tuesday on March 4th.

Fat Tuesday Pancake Breakfast is a way for the Youth to raise money for the Fort Wilderness trip. Join us in the kitchen at Atonement starting at 4:00pm. If you can’t be there right away, please still come and join in, there will be plenty to do. (Decorating, cooking, serving, cleaning up.)

We have several students in our Youth program who are in the Muskego High School musical Mamma Mia! Buy your tickets TODAY!

Registration now open for 2024-25 Cross+Training and ACTS Classes!

Kick-Off-First day of classes will be September 8th!

NEW Church Management Program-REALM

You should have received an email invitation to join our new church directory and management program, Realm. This email is coming through Realm. If you can’t find your email invitation, you can also sign up here. Realm is going to be our one-stop shop for Atonement info--join today and get the Realm app, too (Click here for iOS and click here for Android)

Fort Wilderness FUN!


Week of February 23rd


Week of February 9th