Week of August 13

Cross+Training/ACTS Registration

Youth Ministry Events

Check out all the awesome things we have planned this Fall and Winter for our Youth Ministry!
For a FULL calendar:

Youth Grades 6th-12th!

Save the Dates:

Adventure Rock Lock-In

Saturday, September 16

See Below for Sign Up!

ELCA Youth Gathering

Our Youth Ministry’s Summer high school trip is going to the our denomination’s nationwide youth gathering in New Orleans.

This is an amazing, life-changing week of worship, service, and community!

Fill out the Youth Gathering sign-up form below:

  ELCA Youth Gathering Informational Meeting

Join us either in-person on Sunday August 27 at 11:15 a.m.
online on Wednesday August 30 at 7 p.m.
Zoom link: bit.ly/ELCAYG-august


 Check out more important dates coming up on page 10 of the August Bell!

 Read the August Bell

Open to ALL AGES!

Finger-paintings, art class projects, drawings, paintings, and any other works are all welcome as we celebrate God's gift of creativity across generations at Atonement.


We will be commemorating the completion of our Mural Project and pop-up art gallery on Sept. 9, 6 p.m.
Regardless of age or medium of art, we welcome anyone at Atonement to submit a piece to our pop-up gallery.

If interested, plan to drop off your art at Atonement from
12 -1 p.m. or 6-7 p.m. from Sept. 5-7. 
Questions? Contact Isabelle: 


Week of August 20


Week of August 6