Day Thirteen

After a long day of walking, our weary group notice a bearded man coming out of a chimney! No Claus for alarm! His red jacket is quite dashing. In fact it really soots him. His very presents makes them chuckle.
Their eyes are drawn to the magical sled.
Casper: How much do you think he paid for that sleigh?
Melchior: Not much. It’s on the house.
Casper: How much would he charge for a ride?
Balthazar: About eight bucks. Nine in bad weather.
Isaiah is thinking jokes that bad, you should not sleigh out loud.
A remindeer…I started 3 Kings & a Camel last year for the children of my church. Many families enjoy the Elf on the Shelf, so why not have fun with the kings and camel moving around the house on the way to finding baby Jesus! Thank you for joining us. Ready for myrrh?


Day Fourteen


Day Twelve