Day Eighteen
Balthazar: You just pasture exit, Isaiah. We need to make a ewe turn.
It’s shear luck that their camel was able to find the very sheep they had been looking for. They had been trying to tractor down all day.
Casper: Hay, how’s it going? We herd that a multitude of angels appeared to ewe. Wool you tell us what happened?
Baaarb the Sheep: We were grazing in a field when an Angel appeared to tell us that we could find the child wrapped in bands of cloth and lying in a manger. Suddenly there were angels of all sheeps and sizes singing “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace and goodwill to all sheep.”
Melchior: Peace and goodwill to sheep? Are you sure that’s what they sang?
Baaarb: Pretty sure. Can’t bleat that news!
Well, all‘s wool that ends wool.