Christmas Special Ask

On Christmas Eve 1818, the organ at St. Nicholas Church in Oberndorf, Germany was broken. A harsh winter storm meant no chance of repairing the organ. Something had to be done for worship.

Priest Joseph Mohr shared lyrics he had written years ago with organist Franz Gruber, who composed music for the piece that day.

That night, the gift of the song Stille Nacht (Silent Night) debuted with a guitar accompaniment—a gift to that congregation and, eventually, the whole world

Our theme for Christmas 2022 is “Dawn of Redeeming Grace,” a line from the third verse of “Silent Night.”

It is our tradition, every year at Christmas, to invite you to make a special gift, both to our congregation and some place far beyond our doors.

Removing Barriers to Worship

Worship technology has come a long way since 1818. Our projectors, microphones, and speakers have been joined by cameras, iPads, and livestreaming equipment. We rely on a lot of technology–from congregants being able to see, hear, and follow worship in our sanctuary, to making worship available and meaningful for those who join us online.

We are in the early stages of embarking on multi-year upgrade project. We plan to replace some of our older technology, like our projectors, while exploring new technology such as devices that can broadcast audio from worship directly into hearing aids.

Roof Repairs in Tepeagua

In Tepeagua, El Salvador, tropical storms have destroyed buildings, homes, and agricultural land vital to sustaining their local economy. These damages, on top of an already inflated and hurting national economy, are cause for grave concern in our partner community.

We hope to help the families of Tepeagua through repairing roofs damaged by the storms. Each roof will cost $600 to repair. Our goal is to repair 10 roofs in 2023.

The labor will be done by the recipients, with the community council directing funds and additional support to those that can’t do the labor themselves.

Our Christmas Special Ask Goal is $12,000

$6,000 will go towards each cause.

To send your Special Ask gift, click the button below or use the included envelope to mail it in.
Donations will be received through December 28, 2022.

Any amount you give will make an impact within the lives of those in our church and abroad!