This year’s theme for Lent at Atonement is Life In The Kingdom. During the season of Epiphany we have been learning about just who this Jesus is – which is intrinsically tied to God’s Kingdom which Jesus ushers in. During Lent we will hear more about what life in that Kingdom is like, which, ultimately, leads us to the death and new life of our savior, Jesus. We will celebrate the resurrection of Jesus again on Easter Sunday. But the reality is that the resurrected Jesus breaks into our lives with the Kingdom of God every day.
Ash Wednesday Worship: ONLINE ONLY
Due to the incoming harsh winter storm, we will be hosting Ash Wednesday worship online. See all our online worship options here. We will hold a formal Imposition of Ashes during worship on Sunday, February 26.
Imposition of Ashes at Home:
The traditional ashes are made from burning the previous year’s palms from Palm Sunday. This can be a messy process (and you don’t want to set off your smoke alarms). Any ash will do – burning a few pieces of paper could suffice for a family, or a small amount of ashes from a fireplace would work. Usually the ashes are mixed with olive oil to create a consistency useful for spreading, but using dry ashes will also work. Do NOT mix the ashes with water – this mixture can burn the skin. When you remove the ash marks from your forehead, simply use a clean, dry cloth and no water. Another option is to simply substitute dirt from a potted plant or your yard.
Wednesday Worship & Meals:
Wednesdays, March 1, 8, 15, 22, & 29, 2023
Come for worship using the Holden Evening Prayer, with a casual dinner hosted by different Atonement groups between worship services.
4:00 p.m.– Lenten worship, in-person only
4:45 p.m.– Open house dinner, hosted by a different Atonement group each week
6:30 p.m.– Lenten worship, in-person & online
Wednesday Dinner Hosting Schedule
March 1: WELCA
- Serving various soups
March 8: Church in Society
- Serving chili dinner, focus on Habitat for Humanity
March 15: Korth/Fantetti Growth Group
- Pulled pork dinner
March 22: Hannah and Mary/Martha women’s small groups
March 29: ROMEOs
- Serving a brat dinner