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Farewell Jeanne & Lynn

  • Atonement Lutheran Church S70W16244 Martin Drive Muskego, WI, 53150 United States (map)

Farewell Jeanne & Lynn:
Cake & Coffee Fellowship

Say farewell to Jeanne and Pastor Lynn on August 21, 2022 after both the Traditional and Contemporary worship services (9:15 a.m. & 11 a.m.) in the fellowship hall. Cake and coffee will be served as well!

Gifts for Jeanne and Lynn can be given online or dropped off at the Church Office during office hours.

Thank you, Jeanne, for years of hard work and dedication to Atonement!

Thank you, Lynn, for sharing your gifts and talents with us, and for all you have done to help Atonement in our time of transition

You can read Jeanne Coughlin and Pastor Lynn Erickson’s Farewell Letters below:

Letter from Jeanne:

I have been with Atonement for 15 years, beginning as a worship assistant, and eventually joining Atonement’s staff. These last few years have presented so much change– one more recent change is the needs of my family. I am now being called to spend more time with my daughter and her family in Tennessee. I am looking forward to cheering my grandchildren Devin and Jax on in sports and watching Grace perform on stage. Being by their sides as they grow in their faith is so important to me, as well.

My last in-person day at Atonement will be Sunday, August 21, 2022. On that Sunday I will be around to say “goodbye for now” following each service. I am keeping my home in Wisconsin, so I will be around here and there throughout the coming months.

It has been a great honor to share my journey of faith with you these past 15 years. Atonement has been like a family to me. Together we have worshiped and praised God, celebrated life through baptisms, confirmations, first communions, weddings, and funerals. Being God’s hands, feet, and heart as we have served others, both near and far, has deepened my relationship with Christ and our church community. These moments of service will be cherished memories. You will all remain in my heart and prayers and I will see you again.

Letter from Pastor Lynn:

Dear Friends,

Congratulations on the hard work, discernment, and good ministry of this interim time! It’s time to shift our focus to welcoming Pastor Talley who has been called to walk alongside you as your Senior Pastor. I pray that you will be blessings to each other.

I have enjoyed working with Pastor Kevin as he grows into his expanded role as your Pastor for Faith Formation. While there is still work to do to clarify the job descriptions and policies for your whole staff, having a new organizational chart and clear job descriptions for your two pastors is a great start.

Your talented staff was accustomed to operating independently and well in their individual areas. They have worked hard this year to seek what’s best for Atonement overall and to begin moving together in the same direction. As these important conversations continue with Pastor Talley, there may be additional adjustments to how the office is staffed, how pastoral care is accomplished and how contemporary music is offered.

The many listening sessions we’ve had over the summer about worship, music and the Sunday schedule have helped to further define your hopes for the future. You long to be connected, to know one another and to be known, to value the gifts and contributions of all ages, to be wise and generous stewards, and to witness boldly through the mission work you value. You want to renew efforts to be welcoming and inclusive and to connect more deeply with your neighbors in the community. Your dreams are exciting and ambitious and achievable!

This upcoming Sunday, August 21st, will be my last and I share a time of farewell with Jeanne Coughlin, who really deserves her own day. Join us for cake and ice cream after each service. My last day in the office is August 26th with two weeks of unused vacation tacked on to make my last day of employment September 10th.

I’m grateful for each of you and for the ministry we have shared. Blessings to you and to Pastor Talley and his family as your work together begins!

With a glad and thankful heart,

Pastor Lynn Erickson

August 7

Congregational Meeting

September 11

60th Anniversary Celebration + Youth Ministry Kick-Off