Creatives Ministry

Quilters Ministry

The Quilters meet each month throughout the year, you may find specific dates on our church calendar. Additional quilters and help in tying the knots on the quilts are needed. Filler, such as blankets, sheets, drapes and large pieces of material (NO synthetic materials) may be donated. These quilts are then displayed on the pews on Women’s Sunday (last Sunday in September) and then packed and shipped to countries designated by Lutheran World Relief.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

We meet for fellowship and conversation as we create these beautiful prayer shawls with prayers for peace and healing for those in need. These prayer shawls have been received as a treasured gift by people in their time of trial and reminds them that they are cared about by this community of Christians and God himself. This is a vital and on-going ministry and all are welcome to participate.

Financial donations for yarn supplies to support the Knit Wits and/or Prayer Shawl Ministry are greatly appreciated. Simply make your check payable to Atonement Lutheran Church, designating Prayer Shawls and/or Knit Wits on the memo line, and place in the offering basket or church office. If you have yarn that you don’t have a use for, we promise to create something useful from that as well.

Interested in making a shawl? Recommended sizes for shawls are between 24-36 inches wide and 58-60 inches long. The recommended yarn should be a soft acrylic and you will probably need 3 skeins. 

Meaning of Colors:

Black: Strength, self-confidence, protection, and absorbs negativity

Silver: Feminine energy and intuition

White: Purity and innocence (side note: white prayer shawls should have another color with it. Plain shawls could get lost in hospital sheets)

Gold: Masculinity and enlightenment

Pink: Friendship, compassion, and generosity

Purple: Leadership, royalty, truth, justice, temperance, spirituality, and wisdom

Brown: Wholesome, honesty, steadfastness, simplicity, friendliness, dependability, down-to-earth, and stability

Beige: Optimism, simplicity, and calming

Gree: Earth, healing, prosperity, sympathy, hope, renewal, growth, life, and is mentally and physically relaxing

Red: Love, passion, respect, energy, enthusiasm, courage, understanding, motivation, strength, warmth, and vigor

Orange: Thoughtfulness, vitality, attraction, creativity, energy, enthusiasm, and warmth

Blue: Water, healing, meditation, tranquility loyalty, and peace

Knit-Wits Ministry

If you enjoy knitting or crocheting, join Knit-Wits! Our meetings are held the first Tuesday of every month at 12:30 pm.