Online Communion Instructions

Getting Ready for Communion

Please review these details before worship to ensure you're ready for communion.

Communion as Part of Worship Service:

  1. God is really present in communion wherever we gather as church (Matthew 18:20). Receive communion today as part of the church wherever you are.

  2. Communion is one part of our complete worship service. Please receive communion today as you participate in the full worship service.

  3. Don't feel comfortable communing when away from Atonement? Don't have the necessary elements? You may choose to not participate in this part of worship. That's ok!

Preparation Before the Worship Service

  1. Set out the bread and wine or grape juice. Any kind of bread, wine, and grape juice works but please only use bread and wine or grape juice. You may use crackers, if you prefer.

  2. If you would like to involve your family in making the bread we enjoy at Atonement, Atonement's communion bread recipe can be found at the end of these guideline.

  3. Decide if you want to appoint a communion assistant who will serve communion to everyone in your household or have each person in your household serve communion to the next person after they receive communion.

  4. You may commune by intinction, which means you dip your bread or cracker in one common cup or, if you prefer, you may use individual cups.

  5. You may use cups you have available at home. Consider setting aside special cups and plate for this sacred moment.

  6. Make a sacred place in your home for worship and communion. Here are some suggestions:

  • Use a tablecloth and glassware or pottery for the plate and cups.

  • Light a candle to symbolize the Light of Christ.

  • Set out a bowl with water to remember your baptism. Touch the water and make the sign of the cross on your or each other's forehead.

Celebrating Communion

Here's how communion will work as part of our worship service:

Communion Distribution:

  1. A pastor will officiate at our communion service. Please follow the words on the screen, including saying the Lord's Prayer.

  2. When it is time for communion distribution, share in communion as a household.

  3. Share the bread with each person, saying: "The body of Christ, given for you"

  4. Share the wine or grape juice with each person, saying: "The blood of Christ, shed for you"

  5. For those not receiving communion, here are two possible blessings: "The Lord Jesus loves you and blesses you" "God loves you and so do I"

  6. Atonement has a tradition of offering first communion to those in 5th grade but this age is a tradition, not a mandate. You are not breaking any rules if you offer communion to someone younger than 5th grade. All who desire the gifts of God are welcome to receive communion.


Atonement's Communion Bread Recipe


1 1/2 cup white flour

3/4 cup whole wheat flour

1 tsp salt

3/4 tsp baking soda

1/2 - 1 tsp cinnamon

2 tbsp butter, melted

1/2 cup warm water

1/2 cup warm honey


Combine the 5 dry ingredients in a mixing bowl

Add the 3 wet ingredients, and mix with a dough hook until incorporated

Divide dough into 5 flat rounds, each about 3/8-inches thick. Place them on a large baking sheet lined with a Silpat. Mark with a cross or score the top into pie-shaped sections (see graphic below).

Bake at 350 degrees for 12 minutes

To Serve: Cut each loaf into 3/4 inch cubes. You may also tear pieces of bread.