Week of November 20

Thank you EVERYONE for helping Kids BLAST have such a successful Food Drive!
Our goal for Sunday was 200 items, we collected 421 items!!
So far, our total is 871 food items! This Sunday is the last day!

Pre-pandemic our goal was 800, we have already surpassed our goal, can we make it to a goal of 1,000 food items?

Since the goal was met there will be a Cookie Reception and Craft Making after the Children's Christmas Program on December 11th.

Kids BLAST-Worship with the Children

Kids BLAST is on Facebook

Make sure to follow the Kids BLAST facebook page so you can stay up-to-date and see fun pictures of Kids BLAST activities!

Birthdays in November

Reese Klawitter

Bennett Hodge

Hunter Risic

Nathaniel Brown

Jaxson Frelich

Andrew Ehrick

November 27th-No Kids BLAST-Thanksgiving Break

Christmas Program Rehearsal will be December 10 from 9:00-11:30. 

9:00-10:00 for 4th & 5th grade

10:00-11:30 for all students

Christmas Program on December 11th 9:30am


Week of November 27


Week of November 13