Week of January 29
Jackson Goetsch
Owen Girardin
Grace Thompson
Joel Dable
Drew Munzel
Emily Cravatta
Rory Peterson
Isabel Talley
First Communion: https://atonementmuskego.breezechms.com/.../FirstCommunio...
Prayer Bears: https://atonementmuskego.breezechms.com/form/PrayerBear2023
2nd Grade Bibles: https://atonementmuskego.breezechms.com/.../2ndGradeBible...
There is nothing like a warm bowl of soup during this cold weather, and our area food pantries are in need of soup cans!
On Sunday February 12, our Kids BLAST is hosting a Souper Bowl Soup Drive! Save the date, and bring cans of soup to help keep our community fed and warm!
Birthdays in January
Cooper Kocour
Aydin Deschaine
Madric Deschaine
Oliver Deschaine
Aria Huber
Josh LaBarber
Hailey Frelich
Eli Gumieny
Max Gumieny
Cole Tennie
Ava Balkunas
Brady Klawitter
Grace Tischaefer
Jackson Goetsch
Kids BLAST is on Facebook
Make sure to follow the Kids BLAST facebook page so you can stay up-to-date and see fun pictures of Kids BLAST activities!