Week of February 19

Children’s choir is made up of students three years old to fifth grade, they meet every Sunday at 9:00-9:30am to practice. They will perform monthly at the 9:30 service throughout the year.

Birthdays in February

Sienna Yourd

Brienna Dietzler

Adelae Mueller

Andrianna Lidwin

Benjamin Kolkoski

Charlotte Fronczak

Bryson Puranen

Nellie Leskovar

Henry Mueller

Palm Sunday

Meet in your classrooms on Palm Sunday, April 2nd by 9:20.

Children and Youth will hand out palms in a palm procession through church.

Easter Sunday

Celebrate a joy-filled Easter at Atonement!

8:00/9:30/10:45-Easter Service
9:00-Noon Easter Breakfast
10:30-Easter Egg Hunt

Kids BLAST is on Facebook

Make sure to follow the Kids BLAST facebook page so you can stay up-to-date and see fun pictures of Kids BLAST activities!


Week of February 26


Week of February 12